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Categories : Banknoty / Papiergeld / Paper money > Banknoty świata alfabetycznie / Paper money: Worldwide > Kenia / Kenya
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Items for sale from TomBanknoter

Kenia / Kenya


Kenia - Kenya - 50 Shillings 2019 * W52 * B144 * Kenyatta

Banki Kuu ya Kenya. 50 szylingów aktualnej emisji. Na awersie pomnik Jomo Keynatty, na rewersie elektrownia geotermalna. 50 shillings of the current edition. With the Jomo Keynatta statue on face, back: geothermal power station.

$ 1.34
Sold: 1 Available:  7

Kenia - Kenya - 100 Shillings 2019 * W53 * B145 * Kenyatta

Banki Kuu ya Kenya. 100 szylingów aktualnej emisji. Na awersie pomnik Jomo Keynatty, na rewersie owce, krowy i wielbłądy. 100 shillings of the current edition. With the Jomo Keynatta statue on face, back: sheeps, cows and camels.

$ 2.01
Sold: 1 Available:  5

Kenia - Kenya - 200 Shillings 2019 * W54 * B146 * Kenyatta

Banki Kuu ya Kenya. 200 szylingów aktualnej emisji. Na awersie pomnik Jomo Keynatty, na rewersie szkoła i sportowcy. 200 shillings of the current edition. With the Jomo Keynatta statue on face, back: education and sports.

$ 4.01
Sold: 1 Available:  5

Kenia - Kenya - 500 Shillings 2019 * W55 * B147 * lew / lion * Kenyatta

Banki Kuu ya Kenya. 500 szylingów aktualnej emisji. Na awersie pomnik Jomo Keynatty, na rewersie lew i inne zwierzęta. 500 shillings of the current edition. With the Jomo Keynatta statue on face, back: lion and other animals.

$ 8.13
Sold: 0 Available:  2

Kenia - Kenya - 1000 Shillings 2019 * W56 * B148 * Kenyatta

Banki Kuu ya Kenya. 1000 szylingów aktualnej emisji. Na awersie pomnik Jomo Keynatty, na rewersie lew budynek parlamentu. 1000 shillings of the current edition. With the Jomo Keynatta statue on face, back: parliament building.

$ 15.38
Sold: 0 Available:  2
Items: 5   Pages: 1 (50 items per page)   
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